Egemir Studios:

Work In Progress...

Egemir Studios: <br> <br> <i>Work In Progress...</i>
Egemir Studios proudly presents! We will bring you a new point of view to video games!
We are now working on the game. Keep checking here for news in the future! ^.^

8 Aralık 2009 Salı

Love Pencil Artwork

Hello everyone, time to submit something! I have neglected here, so here some of my traditional artworks. I used references for the drawings of course. These works I did just for studying realistic human portrait with pencil. I freaking love traditional art! Unfortunately I failed at scanning. Believe me they look better in reality.

The first drawing I did on February and second one on March. After that I did many other studies but the last one is the best, it is finished one month ago. You can see my development process. I love the last one the most because if you can notice there is no line, only shadows and highlights. This is the hardest thing to do. Finally I did! Second hardest thing is to draw like photocopy, unfortunately I am not good at it.

Anyway, I will make an announcement about Egemir Game Project soon. So keep in touch! That's all for now folks, take care.

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